March 7, 2012
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present:
Anthony Costello, Michael Scott, Matthew Kennedy,
Robert Lowell, Kenneth Strom, Michael Krikonis
Staff Present:
Daniel Hazen, Martha Grant
David Getman, DCR, Julian Votruba, Jay Finlay, Scott Sundin,
David Clarke, Scott Morrison, Glen Kauppila
Chairman Matthew Kennedy opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 27 Eagle Terrace Lot 4 Kauppila – New Single Family Home
This is a continued public hearing from January 4, 2012 and February 1, 2012. At the last meeting, the Commission requested the Applicant to submit an alternatives analysis, clarify the planting area and name the natural shrubs and saplings on site. Julian Votruba represented the Applicant. He showed the Commission a plan indicating where the boulders will be placed and the new hay bale line. He also said there are many saplings in the area. Also, an engineer and surveyor have now stamped the plan. Mike Scott made a motion to close the public hearing. Ken Strom seconded the motion; all were in favor, 6-0. Robert Lowell made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with a special condi-tion that boulders be placed on the 25 foot buffer line as a permanent demarcation. Mike Krikonis
seconded the motion; all were in favor, 6-0.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 274 Bailey Road, Brunter – Septic System Repair
The public hearing notice was read and the hearing opened. Scott Morrison from EcoTec, representing the applicant, addressed the Commission and showed them a proposed plan. The Applicant recently purchased this single family home and would like to upgrade the existing cesspool to a septic system. The leach field is outside of the buffer zone. She would like to maintain the main access way to the basement with a couple of retaining walls. A new underground gas utility was recently installed. The Applicant is proposing a silt fence, which should be adequate. Mike Scott asked if the existing leach field would be collapsed; Mr. Morrison said if found it would be collapsed. Robert Lowell asked for confirmation that this was simply a septic upgrade; it was answered yes. When he asked about a
vernal pool in the area, it was answered no. Mike Krikonis made a motion to close the public hearing. Ken Strom seconded the motion; all were in favor, 6-0. Robert Lowell made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions. Mike Scott seconded the motion; all were in favor, 6-0.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 68 Greenwood Parkway, Lot 111R – Sundin – New Single Family Home
The public hearing notice was read and the hearing opened. Jay Finlay, representing the applicant, showed the Commission a plan indicating the 25 foot no disturb zone. A portion of the driveway is in the buffer zone. The garage has been downsized two feet from the original plan. He also indicated where the silt fence and hay bales would be placed. Ken Strom commented that he has walked the site and checked the wetland flag. Mike Scott asked if there were plans for any trees to be removed; Mr. Finlay said no. Mike Krikonis asked how soon they plan to start construction. Scott Sundin said he already has an interested buyer, so probably very soon. Ken Strom made a motion to close the public hearing. Anthony Costello seconded the motion; all were in favor, 6-0. Ken Strom made a
motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with a special condition that boulders be placed on the 25 foot buffer line as a permanent demarcation. Mike Scott seconded the motion; all were in favor, 6-0.
DISCUSSION – Winterberry Hollow – Sundin – Contained Trash Compactor
Scott Sundin addressed the Commission members regarding changing the five open air dumpsters planned for Winterberry Hollow to one trash compactor provided by Waste Management. He distrib-uted a picture of one with additional information. In order to have a central location for the residents to use it, it would need to be at the intersection of the two roadways, which he indicated on a map. Because of the central location, it would encroach on the 100-foot buffer zone. Mr. Sundin has also spoken with Dennis Lipka, Director of Growth Management, who said it would not be necessary to go back before the Zoning Board of Appeals with this change. Matt Kennedy expressed concerns with the compactor overflowing. Mr. Sundin said they plan to have it emptied once a week. However, he will have a management team
on site every day to monitor situations like this and if need be, will have it emptied more often. Robert Lowell asked what provisions he had for residents while the container is being removed and emptied. It was explained that it takes about an hour to remove the container, drive it to where it is being emptied and return it. In the meantime a barrel will be placed in that location for trash. Mike Krikonis asked about pest and odor control. Mr. Sundin did not anticipate any problems, as the compactor will be cleaned on a daily basis. The Commission agreed this would be considered a diminutive change.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – Birch Hill Road, Wingspan Estates Subdivision
Dan Hazen explained to the members that this is an 11-lot subdivision on a cul-de-sac. The developer is going for street acceptance at the May 2012 town meeting. All work has been completed, the deten-tion pond is working and the Department of Public Works has no issues regarding this project. Robert Lowell made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance. Mike Scott seconded the motion; all were in favor, 6-0.
Ken Strom made a motion to approve the February 1, 2012 meeting minutes. Mike Krikonis seconded the motion. Mike Scott and Robert Lowell abstained. The motion passed 4-0.
Ken Strom made a motion to adjourn, Mike Scott seconded the motion, the motion passed 6-0, all in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2012.